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Q: what's this tool?
Ans:It's a file recovery tool...but you can't recover files deleted before installtion of giis.so It's not file recovery tool... It's not a backup tool.- Since it backup only meta data and not file content.Though giis will fetch first or latest version of deleted file- clearly it can't be CVS or VSS like too then what is giis.... * undelete tool.

Q:so i can't recover a file which are deleted before installation of giis?
Ans:100% you can't with giis. but try other tool,like Carlo wood's ext3grep or foremost or sleuthkit or using debugfs

Q:no????Then what's giis for???
Ans:It's as protection tool for your system.Once giis installed any deleted files can be recovered.

Q: How to install giis??
Ans: See User Guide

Q: o.k fine. i successfully installed giis.To Check giis, i deleted a file from /root. And chosen File Recovery option its displays ...
How do you want to recover files?
Press 0 : Get All User files
Press 1 : Get Specific User files
Press 2 : force giis - giis dump
Press 3 : Get By File Format
Enter Your Choice :
what should i do now?
Ans:checking giis???- i hope it will work -o.k here some more info.
If you press 0[Get All User files]...giis will recover deleted files that belong to all users.
If you press 1[Get Specific User files]...giis will ask for user name to search.It will recover only those files belong to user.With this,you can recover only the specified file.
If you press 2[force giis - giis dump]...giis will ask for file name to search.If the file is found it will recover it.Here giis will again ask:
->Get Latest Version or First Version of Deleted File ??
Press 0: Get Latest Version
Press 1: First Version
Enter your choice :
It's a search procedure.When if a file is modified it may have multiple copies.If multiple copies exists,then If you choose 0 - it's will get the latest version of deleted file.-any newly appended data will be available. If you choose 1 - It's gets the file content which are present in the file during intallation of giis. Thought for you : Readonly file will have only one copy of data. :-)
If you press 3[Get By File Format]...giis will ask for file type ..if you enter mp3. giis will try to recover all deleted mp3 files.

Q:ok.. i chosen 0 giis says :
........ giis analyser : Begins ........
Unable to Detect File Type - Found Data :
/** /giis/file.c This file con
........Ends ........
giis process Completed...
Recovered files : /giis/got_it
Unrecovered files : /giis/unrecovered
What's this?
Ans:giis analyser will try to detect the file type.If it didn't recognizes file type, its displays sample data...in your case the sample data is :
/** /giis/file.c This file con
all giis recovered files will be found at /giis/got_it directory. and unrecovered files will be at /giis/unrecovered.

Q:o.k during recovery of some files,giis says :
****** giis dump ******
File name : File Data Modified/Overwritten
File older Data :
some data1
Current Disk Data :
some data2
Do You wanna dump the Current data? Press 1:yes Press 0:No
Enter :
what's this mean???
Ans:Sometimes the file you want to recover may be overwritten or modified by some other content if so then giis will display this message, it will display older file data and it's current disk data...and ask you whether to dump current disk data or not.

Q:It's seems like a good idea.What's this 'Update Now' option ?
Ans:Until giis v.4 ,newly created files are updated into giis system files everytime you login.You can update giis system files using this option rather than at login time.From giis v4.1 newly created files are updated every 20 mintues.

Q:how much space giis will occupy...and how long it will to install and update giis?
Ans:It's purely dependent on system configuration and amount of data you have. Here is the result of test run i did on my linux experimental kid :-)
System Configurations:
Intel Celeron 1.73GHz,512MB RAM,80 HDD
Following directories with data,
/root has 19.5 GB (Since I'm root ;-)) and
/home has 43MB and
/var has 226MB
For up-to 7 directory level,
giis installation took 2 minutes 23 seconds.
For Harddisk data, giis system files took around 2.5MB of space,thanks to variable sized records used in giis system file and unique storage technique used in giis for storing file meta data. And it took around 1 minute 8 seconds when giis update command is executed.

Q:How updates are done?
Ans:giis will try to find only new files which are created since last giis updation. There will not be any repeatation of same entry again in giis system files.

Q:then what's that 'giis File Details'
Ans:It's not intended for users.It will have giis system file details.

Q:then why to have that option at all?
Ans:???-may be some advanced users or developer will be interested in it.

Q:What's this "Quotes"?...what that has to do with tool?
Ans:...hmm....may be because of these quotes we have giis. ;-)

Q:and option 5 says 'Uninstall'..so i can get rid of giis with it.am i right? :-)
Ans:i know that's the one option every giis user will love to do

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